Laser cutting today represents the most modern frontier of thermal cutting.

Warcom’s Laser series machines convey the laser beam generated by the most modern and efficient solid-state resonators, using optics produced with the highest quality and technological standards.
The Warcom solution is completed by an extremely precise and rigid mechanics, which gives the machine high dynamic performance up to 2g of acceleration and 210 m/min of maximum speed for the cutting axes.

Under the control of the most modern programming software, it allows to obtain cuts of the highest level of finish from stainless steels, up to highly reflective materials such as copper and brass, reaching a maximum thickness of 40mm on carbon steels.

“You dream it, we produce it”

Our company, which has been serving in the Bursa since 1979, works in accordance with the ISO9001 Quality Management System.

Alta produttività, precisione e affidabilità.​

Bassi consumi di gas ed energia elettrica e bassi costi di esercizio e manutenzione.

Semplicità di utilizzo e installazione.

Moderno design elegante e compatto, con ingombri molto ridotti.